Microscope Activities

Here are some ideas for things to do...even some food for thought for Science Fair Projects using the Microscope. Record all of your results in our free Lab Journal.

Bacteria - Finding it in Yogurt (1)

Bacteria - Finding it in Yogurt (2)

Blood, Examining

Blood smear, Preparing a

EXM-150 Premium Microscope, our #1 seller to schools through 12th Grade.

Care and Feeding of your Microscope

Carry Case, Make your own

Chloroplasts, Examining in Pond Weed Cells

Frog Blood, Observing

The EXS-210 Microscope, top pick in an easy-to-use scope even for young children.

Fiber Detective!

Hair Hair Hair!

Kitchen Science - Spice it Up!

Microscopy Lab Journal

The Student Pro Microscope, with LED Lighting and Mechanical Stage standard!

Pond Creatures, Collecting (with an easy-to-make collector)

Pulling a Stain (How to use stains)

Protozoa, How to slow them down

Spider Web, Observing

Wet mount, Preparing a

The Revelation III and EXC-120 are a couple of great binocular, professional microscopes for the serious hobbyist and professional alike.

This is a work in progress, and we hope that you will participate. Please send your complete activity with step-by-step instructions by Email. We'll do our best to share your adventure on the world wide web!

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